All money paid back to the winners - Just $20 a boat for an entire week.

Salmon pays 50 percent of the money - Trout (browns and steelhead) pays 50 percent of the money.

Carryovers Happen!

Salmon must be at least 20 pounds until August 3rd, and 25 pounds as of August 4th.

Trout minimum weight is now 15 pounds. Browns and steelhead only

Bob Woods of Pennslvania got this sweet 25.8 king for the salmon win, week ending August 17th.
Captain Jim Gordon and the winning steelhead for the previous week. Hawg won $480. Click and see his winning king for the same week!
Formerly the Olcott Weekly

You can see all the boats entered for the week at the Slippery Sinker and the Boat Doctors
100 percent cash payback - all the time.

Week of July 20-27th - Trout Carryover is $170

Bob Petro (aka Lineman)
9/16/1932 -11/5/2013

Bob was one of the nicest men I have ever known.
He passed away due to complications when a ladder broke
climbing up to his favorite tree stand,
opening day of hunting season in 2012.

Lineman was a marine in the Korean War.
He worked as a lineman for Penn Power for 38 years.
He loved his fishing and had a camp at the Harbor Resort in Olcott.

When we first started the Olcott weekly , Bob
would sign up for the tournament every week,
unless he wasn't going to be in town.
He loved to fish for salmon and browns.
He never did win the weekly, but always had a smile
for the next Sunday when he would come sign up again.

Everyone that knew Bob, loved him.
He never had a bad word to say about anyone.
There is no one better we'd love to name this tournament after!

Pics! Add your own to our Facebook Page!
Facebook Page


Derby fishing will be in Lake Ontario. Fishing will be by boat with at least two persons on board (witness needed for all weighed fish). Weekly derbies begin at 5 am each Monday and end the following Sunday at 4 p.m. Fish must be weighed at the Slippery Sinker or The Boat Doctors in Olcott. In the event of any changes, all contestants will be notified. Entrants sign up by "boat name". If entrant does not have a boat name, they may enter their registration numbers. The entry fee is $20 each week per boat. All persons aboard the boat are officially entered.

Fish caught after the weigh stations close (normal business hours) of the Slippery Sinker and The Boat Doctors may be weighed in the next day. Fish weighed in by 4 p.m on each Sunday will determine winner of the weekly derby. PLEASE NOTE: Any fish caught after 4 p.m on Sundays may be weighed in on Monday and is eligible for the next week’s prize. (Entering the following weeks tournament by each Sunday is suggested).

The contest is open to all ages and levels of anglers. All entry fee money will be paid back to the winners. Money is divided evenly between trout and salmon each week. If minimum weights are not met, the money will be carried over each week until there is a winner. If there is money at the end of the season to carryover, the sponsors will hold this money until the next season for a one-day fishing tournament to be determined by the sponsors of the tournament.

The minimum weight for (brown and steelhead only) trout is 15 pounds. The minimum weight for salmon is 25 pounds. All fish must be caught legally, according to DEC regulations.

By signing below, entrant agrees that the decision of the judges will be final and not reviewable in any form. In the event of a tie, the timestamp on the fish weighed first will become the winner. Agrees that any sponsors, officials, employees or agents of the Olcott Fishing Derby are not to be held liable for any damages suffered while fishing the tournament. Agrees that any promotional photos taken will become the property of the Olcott fishing Derby sponsors for publication or promotional advertising. All winners will be posted on Mondays at The Slippery Sinker, The Boat Doctors &

For more information, contact us at EMAIL